Summer semester
Field ecology (Master Biology)
Practical course with field work, lectures, seminar (with Helge Bruelheide and Heike Heklau; since 2013)
Ecological field course (Bachelor Biology)
Practical course with field work, data analyses, result presentation (with Susanne Lachmuth; since 2013)
Botanical Excursions (Bachelor Biology)
(since 2013)
Orientation module (Bachelor Biology)
(since 2013)
Winter semester
Vegetation ecology (Bachelor Biology)
Practical course with lab work, lectures, seminar (with Helge Bruelheide and Heike Heklau; since 2012)
Journal Club on recent topics of geobotany (Master and doctoral students, scientists)
Coordinator of the International Master program "Biodiversity Sciences"
Supervision of Bachelor theses, Master theses and research internships
Seminar on recent topics of geobotany

Invasive Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) in Switzerland