Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Gutianshan [(c) Christian Ristok]

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since 09/2012Research and teaching associate, MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Geobotany and Botanical Garden
01/2012 – 08/2012Scientific coordinator of TUMbiodivers
09/2011 – 08/2012Research and teaching associate, Technical University of Munich, Restoration Ecology (Prof. Dr. J. Kollmann)
04/2011 – 08/2011Research and teaching associate, Technical University of Munich, Terrestrial Ecology (Prof. Dr. W. W. Weisser)
09/2010 – 03/2011Research and teaching associate, Technical University of Munich, Landscape Ecology (Prof. Dr. L. Trepl)
06/2006 – 02/2011PhD, TUM
„Altitudinal distribution of non-native plants:
the effects of climate, habitat and introduction history“
Cooperation and supervision:
• ETH Zürich (Prof. Dr. P. J. Edwards)
• Universidad de La Laguna, Teneriffa (Prof. Dr. J. M. Fernández Palacios)
• Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN)
2006Contract work (2 month) for the UFZ Leipzig (Prof. Dr. K. Jax)
2005Research associate, Technical University of Munich, Landscape Ecology (Prof. Dr. L. Trepl)
2002Consultancy work for a landscape planning agency, W. Daurer, Wiedergeltingen
1998 – 2004Studies of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning, Technical University of Munich


2008„Student’s European Ecology Prize“
of the European Ecological Federation (EEF)

Memberships and committees

  • since 2017 chair of the Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN); since 2006 member of the steering committee
  • since 2014 member of iDiv (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research)
  • since 2006 member of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Specialist groups Plant Population Biology and Ecological Theory)

Other professional activities

  • Manuscript review for AoB Plants - Applied Vegetation Science - Biological Conservation -  Biological Invasions - Ecology Letters - Eco.mont - Global Ecology and  Biogeography - Journal of Biogeography - Journal of Ecology - Mammal  Review - Nature Ecology and Evolution - NeoBiota - Perspectives in Plant  Ecology, Evolution and Systematics - Plant Ecology and Diversity -  Plant Ecology and Evolution - PLoS ONE - Science and Engineering Ethics -  Scientific Reports - Tourism Management - Tuexenia
Field work

Field work

Field work
