Dr. Ute Jandt
see my publications and conference contributions on google scholar
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main projects
EuropaBONs mission is to overcome existing data gaps and workflow bottlenecks by designing an EU-wide framework for monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Project coordinator Henrique Pereira, scientific coordinator Jessica Junker, administrative coordinator Karolin Dietrich, programmer and web-designer Christian Langer at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), as well as Joachim Maes from the Joint Research Council.
The coordination team also includes Sigrid Köhne and Claudia Weinhold-Kiefhaber, who provide administrative and financial support from MLU’s EU-office.
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sPlot – Plant trait- environment relationships across the world's biomes
sPlot is the largest repository for plant community data in the world, containing more than 1 million records with full lists of plant species co-occurring in small areas (plots).
sPlot Steering Committee (2021-2022)
Prof. Dr. Helge Bruelheide (Chair), Martin-Luther University Halle & iDiv, Germany
Prof. Dr. Idoia Biurrun , University of the Basque Country, Spain.
Prof. Dr. Milan Chytrý , Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Dr. Borja Jiménez-Alfaro , Research Unit of Biodiversity (CSIC/UO/PA), Spain.
Dr. Susan K. Wiser , Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, New Zealand
sPlot Core Team (support in data integration and analyses)
Dr. Oliver Purschke, Martin-Luther University Halle, Germany
Prof. Dr. Brody Sandel , Santa Clara University, USA
Dr. Jens Kattge , Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena & iDiv, Germany
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Lenoir, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France
Dr. Ute Jandt, Martin-Luther University Halle & iDiv, Germany
Dr. Marten Winter, sDiv, Germany
sPlot Coordinator
Dr. Francesco Maria Sabatini , Martin-Luther University Halle & iDiv, Germany
Contact: francesco.sabatini@botanik.uni-halle.de
sPlot Database Manager
Stephan Hennekens, Alterra, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands
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sMon - Analysing trends in German species data
sMon is a Synthesis Project of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig. We aim at combining and harmonizing exemplary datasets of different taxa and habitats and to evaluate the potentials and limits for analyzing changes in the state of biodiversity in Germany.
Based on these insights, we will derive perspective for future biodiversity monitoring programs in Germany.
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iSPOT (Spatial scaling of Porphyry Outcrop Trends)
iSPOT (Spatial scaling of Porphyry Outcrop Trends)
iSPOT (Spatial scaling of Porphyry Outcrop Trends)